"Packaging CATEGORY" - Guide
Developed for Dansk Producentansvar (DPA)

With the introduction of the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) in Denmark, a large number of producers are required to register packaging information of their products in a national register - administered by Dansk Producentansvar (DPA)*.

On behalf and in collaboration with DPA, we developed a digital guide to support national and international producer to register their packaging information correctly in the Danish national register. The guide is available in Danish and English.

With our experience in product information, packaging material and sorting instructions we were able to add value to the solution DPA required beyond its pure technical development.

The guide works as a single-page widget, which allows for a great overview, quick adjustments to the input and quick results. It features a large library of materials and packaging shapes as well as visual icons to make correct selection easier.

We are looking forward to further support the "Producer responsibility for packaging", improve the guides' content & collaborate with DPA to provide verified data in all of our products and services.

The content of the guide is administered by DPA and the widget will be continuously developed by TheNewSort.

* "DPA is an independent not-for-profit organisation established under the Danish Environmental Protection Act with the purpose to administer the national register and Danish legislation on producer responsibility. DPA collects, treats, and disseminates data and knowledge to all players involved in the circular economy."